Let’s Sing at Red Gables

What We Do
Let’s Sing at Red Gables, formerly known as ‘Singing for the Brain’ has been a long-term project for Alzheimer’s Society. During the pandemic in 2020 it was decided that existing and potential singing leaders would offer singing sessions online, with an emphasis on keeping in contact with people living with dementia who were being completely cut off from social interaction. This was extended to be more inclusive of all older people who were finding it difficult to access singing-based groups. This now includes in person groups and outreach into several care homes in the Stowmarket area.
Jill Jennings and Mark Coburn have been working with singing groups for many years over the East of England. They do not produce choirs; these are relaxed singing groups with the simple goal of singing for enjoyment and well-being. In a group you can expect to sing some songs you know and learn new songs from all over the world. There is a break in the middle, and you will never be pressured to sing if you don’t want to.
Sessions are run on the 2nd Wednesday of the month between 10am and noon. Refreshments are provided and donations are welcomed, but not essential. We still run two sessions a month via Zoom and details about these are available on request.