The Garden Project

What We Do

What is Red Gables Garden Project?

The grounds at Red Gables are managed and maintained by volunteers of our Garden Project. The group supports adults with a wide range of mental health and learning difficulties. Working in the sustainable garden, in a supported environment, our aim is to improve their skills and knowledge in growing organic food, whilst developing their confidence, social skills and general well-being.

The group was formed in March 2012 and since then the volunteers have created an
enchanting and picturesque environment around Red Gables. Volunteers enjoy growing fruit and vegetables and improving shrub borders as well as managing areas for wildlife.


The volunteers also manage an adjacent once-neglected spinney, in which they have developed a pathway through the trees and improved its wildlife potential by making and erecting nest boxes and creating bug hotels.

The group have raised funds using grants through Tesco’s ‘Bags of Help’ scheme to
create a tree and shrub based Arboretum Garden in the front gardens, which will be a legacy to the Stowmarket Community and users of Red Gables to enjoy for the future.

Gipping Oddfellows continue to support the garden project.

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